Terms and Conditions

The following terms describe the conditions that will regulate the sales contract between the BUYER and the company SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S, which are considered accepted from the beginning of any commercial transaction.
The commercial relations contained in this document are governed by the CONSUMER STATUTE and concordant regulations.
The description of the products marketed by SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S will be made in the product quotation, and once it is accepted by the client and the advance payment of fifty percent of the value of the product is consigned, its manufacture will proceed.
According to the above, it will be understood that the client approves from the quotation: the design, size, weight, volume, colors, type of fabric, wood, metals, and other components of the product, therefore, he may not allege, after the approval of the quotation, any disagreement with what he himself approved.
Our products are previously discussed with the client, through pre-established designs, rendering, personalized design or by design supplied by the client, in all cases it must be approved by the client to proceed with manufacturing. Once the advance payment has been paid and the quote issued by the producer, there will be no room for retraction by the client, and it will be understood that all the designs in the quote have been approved by the client.
Once the design is approved, the advance payment has been paid, it is understood that the final product is approved, therefore, the client must pay the entire product.
Once the client gives his approval and pays the advance payment referred to in the previous paragraph, there will be no room for a refund.
All our products marketed in the Republic of Colombia will be offered in Colombian pesos. The final price of the product is understood to be a global price, including taxes, fees, charges and all concepts accessory to the product.
The above does not apply to business conducted abroad for the export of our products, which will be made in the currency agreed upon by the producer and the client, always subject to the current exchange rate.
All our products are of quality, suitability and safety.

Once the service orders have been approved by the client, as provided in the quote, the client must pay the advance payment corresponding to fifty percent of the value of the product.
The producer has up to 12 weeks or the time previously agreed upon according to the complexity of the product for the final delivery, which will be made to the client once he has made the full payment of the invoice.
Deliveries may be made at the site indicated by the client, or at the factory. In the event of delivery at the site indicated by the client, the latter must pay the corresponding transport or provide transport for this purpose.

SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S does not directly provide the transport service for the products, so we suggest third parties specialized in transporting furniture and household goods, but this does not necessarily mean that this service must be contracted with us. The client may choose the conditions of transport, dispatch and delivery of the purchased product.

The customer is free to choose to receive the purchased product at the SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S factory point, and to contract the transport of the product at his own risk. In this case, the producer is not responsible for damages arising after satisfactory delivery.
Transport must be paid by the buyer according to the quoted in relation to the size of the purchased product, the quantity and the destination city, directly to the carrier at the time of receiving the product.
The buyer must inspect his product at the time of delivery. In the event of finding bumps or damage, he must immediately notify the transport company and record it in the delivery document.
Additional services such as lifting by pulleys outside facades, windows or terraces, and special installations will be assumed by the buyer, directly with a third party specialized in the service.
Initially the product will be left on the first floor, in the case of a building, if it is necessary to transport the product via stairs, an additional charge will be applied. The product will be delivered between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the agreed day. Upon receipt, there must be an adult, who must receive the product and immediately make the pertinent observations regarding what is described in this document.
If the product is collected at the factory, it will be packed in the presence of the carrier or the person in charge of collecting it, who will be able to check the delivery status of the product.
The owner or the person authorized by him for this purpose must sign that he has received the item to his full satisfaction.
The carrier is only authorized to make the delivery at the address registered in the service order.
If at the time of delivery it is necessary to dismantle doors or windows for the entry or removal of the product, the delivery will be suspended, unless said service has been agreed upon, which will have an additional cost.
If there is no one to receive the merchandise, the carrier will leave a record of the visit by filling out a form with the clarifications, the delivery will be rescheduled and will have an additional transportation cost.
When transportation is the responsibility of the customer, the customer must review the product with the warehouse Dispatch Coordinator before receiving it. After receipt in compliance, the warranty does not cover claims for mistreatment or missing parts.

For products such as dining tables and beds, the product will arrive with easy installation and assembly instructions. The customer may choose to assemble the product at his/her own risk or contract with Supellex home S.A.S, or a third party, for installation and assembly, with an additional cost, which will depend on the city and the product.
Upon receiving the product, the customer must indicate to the carrier the place where it will be assembled. Keep in mind that the assembler will not be able to move the merchandise. If it is not located in the place where it will be assembled, it will be necessary for the customer to move it.

On the day of our visit, the assembly technician will require a space of 2 x 2 meters to assemble the product in your home. Make sure to have it available to facilitate the provision of the service.

The assembler's mission is to assemble the furniture and deliver it to the place indicated by the client. They may not drill holes or make adjustments to the home; move the furniture once assembled, or make modifications to the product, unless the client has previously authorized it, or if the product requires it for its correct operation.


Legal warranty of products
All products that SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S makes available to the consumer have a legal warranty, which is effective from the moment you receive the product. This warranty is applicable to products that present faults or operating defects, according to the terms established in the Consumer Statute.
In the event that it is determined that there is a fault or operating defect in the product, not attributable to the consumer, you will have the right to free repair (whenever this is possible). If repair is not possible, you will have the right to exchange the product for another of the same type, similar characteristics or technical specifications and finally, if the two above are not possible, the refund of the amount paid for the product.
The term for repair will be the necessary, according to the technical specifications of the product.
When the product is repaired, in the event of a repeat failure, at the consumer's discretion, a new repair will be carried out, the price paid will be refunded or the product will be exchanged for another of the same type, with similar characteristics or technical specifications.
At SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S the term of the legal guarantee of a product will be that established by law or by the competent authority. In the absence of a mandatory provision, it will be that announced by SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S. In the event that the product does not indicate the guarantee period, it will be understood that it is twelve (12) months from delivery, for new products.
Regarding the products of the so-called "SALES", which are sold in our warehouse, in an extraordinary way, these may be sold without a legal guarantee, a circumstance that we will inform you of in the purchase process. Otherwise, it will be understood that the product has a six (6) month guarantee.
The terms to exercise the legal guarantee are suspended for the time in which the product is being repaired in exercise of the guarantee. If the product is completely exchanged for another one, the warranty period will start again in its entirety from the moment of replacement. If one or more parts of the product are exchanged, these will have their own warranty, for the period that we will inform you of.
If you need to make this warranty valid, you will be asked for the invoice corresponding to the purchase of the product. If you do not have the invoice, you must provide the purchase details to manage the invoice in our database and thus make the warranty effective.
If the product is in a different place from where it was purchased, the customer must assume the transportation costs to make the warranty request effective.

If you have any questions, you can come to our address or contact us through any of the means available in the “Contact Us” section of our website or all of our channels enabled for this purpose.
The warranty will not apply if the technical diagnosis determines that the fault or defect was caused by:
• Incorrect storage or assembly; incorrect or inappropriate use of the product; that the product was altered in any way or even repaired at the request of the customer; cleaning with inappropriate methods or products, among other similar cases that are attributable to you.
• That the installation, use or maintenance instructions indicated in the product documents and in the warranty were not followed.
• Force majeure or fortuitous event.
• Acts of a third party.
Likewise, the warranty does not cover wear and tear due to normal use, cuts or scratches, or damage caused by knocks or accidents; nor does it apply to those products used outdoors, in humid environments or for non-domestic use (unless otherwise specified).
This warranty will not apply if a use other than that which is naturally established in the product's user manual is evident.
SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S offers a warranty on its products in the following categories:
Structure warranty: We provide a warranty on the structure (internal) of the product for up to ten (10) years after its purchase in relation to defects in production, construction or defective material in the furniture. In the event that a defect is found, the producer will decide at its discretion the solution for each case, whether it is repair or replacement of the piece.
Fabric warranty: We offer the warranty of each marketer of the chosen fabric, which covers original factory defects. It does not cover damage, tears, stains, discoloration caused by misuse, regular deterioration, incorrect exposure of the fabric, or change in appearance due to improper cleaning processes.

Warranty on hardware and rails: We offer the warranty of each hardware and rail supplier on the correct functioning of our products, conditioned on the ideal use for which the product was designed, without abuse of weight, force and handling, transfers or accidents.
This Warranty covers the first buyer of the product, it does not cover damages due to transport, storage or subsequent moves.
No warranty will be effective on:
• Defects and damages resulting from negligence, improper use or accidents.
• Any condition resulting from misuse or inadequate maintenance and cleaning.
• Damage caused by liquids, chemicals, secretions or stains.
• Normal deterioration of use in fillings and foam.

No refunds are made once the advance payment has been made and the order confirmed.
There is no retraction, cancellation or return for personalized products or those manufactured according to the client's specifications. Once the product is delivered to the Customer, there will be no room for cancellation of the order and/or refund of money. This measure is established to ensure efficiency in delivery and to maintain the integrity of our products.
When the customer has paid for the product and requires a refund and/or product exchange, and the producer agrees to the refund or product exchange, the customer must wait for the initially agreed product to be sold by the producer. The producer has one year to sell the product, after this year the customer is obliged to remove the product from the factory.

Delivery Scheduling:
The Buyer has a period of 30 days from the notification of the delivery of the product to schedule said delivery. This period guarantees efficient and timely coordination to receive your items in perfect condition.
Storage Charge:
After 30 days have elapsed from the notification of product availability, Supellex Home S.A.S. reserves the right to charge a storage fee. This fee is required to cover the costs associated with additional storage of the products.
Storage Fees:
The storage cost will be $4,000 per calendar day or $100,000 per month, at the Buyer's discretion. It is the Buyer's responsibility to settle these fees before the product is delivered. Payment can be made through any of the payment methods accepted by Supellex Home SAS.

Delivery Process:
Once the cost of the product and the storage cost are paid, the producer will coordinate with the client the delivery of the product. We strive to provide efficient and quality service at every step of the process.
Abandonment of the Good
If after ten months the consumer does not pick up the product, it will be understood by law that the good has been abandoned and the producer must dispose of it.

At Supellex Home S.A.S., we are committed to providing exceptional products and we want our Clients to fully enjoy the authenticity of each artisanal creation.
At Supellex Home S.A.S we are proud to highlight the distinctive elements with which we seek to position ourselves as leaders and references in the industry:
Registered Trademark: We are a registered trademark with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which symbolizes quality, innovation and commitment to excellence. Each project in which we participate reflects our dedication to exceed expectations and provide a distinctive touch of luxury.
Premium Materials: At Supellex Home S.A.S we only use premium national and imported materials to ensure the unsurpassed quality of our products. From select woods to the highest quality textiles, each element is carefully selected to ensure the distinction and durability of our furniture. Our furniture is manufactured with raw materials or materials of international quality. With this we guarantee the durability and functionality of our products, and it also reflects our commitment to excellence and the integration of local and international resources.
Solid Wood: The choice of solid wood as the main component of our furniture not only provides elegance, but also guarantees durability over time. Each piece is a masterpiece that stands out for its solidity and beauty.
Special Paint for Furniture: Our furniture is treated with specialized Italian paint for wood, providing an exceptional and long-lasting finish that highlights the natural beauty of the wood and provides additional protection against wear.
Hardware: We use the best hardware suppliers in the international market to ensure that each component of our furniture is of the highest quality. These partnerships ensure smooth and long-lasting operation, adding a touch of sophistication to each design.
Certified Foam: Comfort is essential at Supellex Home S.A.S. We use certified foam that meets the most demanding quality standards, offering an unsurpassed comfort experience and ensuring the satisfaction of our customers.

At Supellex Home S.A.S., we value the uniqueness and authenticity of our products, which are carefully crafted with the labor of skilled cabinetmakers, upholsterers and craftsmen.
Supellex Home S.A.S., in the interest of loyalty to our customers, highlights the possibility of small natural imperfections inherent to the materials used, such as leather, fabric, wood, glass, marble, and others, natural in this type of products.

These imperfections are part of the normal standard of our products, as they are unique handcrafted pieces. The Buyer acknowledges and accepts that these characteristics are inherent to craftsmanship and should not be interpreted as manufacturing defects. We strive to maintain high quality standards, but it is important to state that these small variations contribute to the uniqueness and beauty of each piece.
Our cuts are traced for your product by real labor, and not by industrialized machines in mass production.
We believe in the value of handmade, therefore, each piece produced by Supellex Home S.A.S, will add a story to your space, where design, craftsmanship and quality materials are balanced to offer you an option created for you.
Our products are made with materials that have a legal guarantee.


At Supellex Home S.A.S., we value the privacy of our Clients and we are committed to protecting their personal data. By making a purchase or subscribing to our services, we understand that the Buyer grants his/her consent for the processing of his/her data:

Authorization for Processing of Personal Data
I declare freely, expressly, unequivocally, informed, voluntarily and in advance, that I authorize SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S, to collect, store, use, circulate, delete, and in general, process my personal data, including sensitive data, such as my fingerprints, photographs, videos and other data that may be considered sensitive in accordance with the Law, so that said processing is carried out with, among others, the following purposes: (i) to facilitate the link as a client (ii) For compliance with obligations established by law, in foreign and international regulations, as well as for the purposes of knowing the client; (iii) To maintain or deepen a contractual relationship, as well as to establish a new one, to send messages, notifications and establish communication; (iv) For the purposes of consultation, verification and updating of the information provided by the Client in both public and private entities; (v) For reporting and delivery of information to operators, centers or information bases and/or any other national or foreign entity that has the same purposes, as well as to develop activities related to collection; (vi) I authorize the use of my data for the management of personal information, to allow SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S to share personal information as a consumer with third parties contracted by SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S, or with whom commercial alliances are established, or to whom represents their rights and the third parties that support their collection operations and of any other nature.

In order to exercise my rights in matters of Habeas Data and Protection of Personal Data, I voluntarily, freely and spontaneously declare that SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S has made known to me and informed me about: a) The right I have to know, update and rectify my personal data, that I can exercise this right, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractional data, which induce error, or those whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized; b) the right I have to request proof of the authorization granted to SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S, to carry out the processing of my personal data, c) the possibility of filing complaints with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the law; d) The right to revoke the authorization and / or request the deletion of the data; e) The right to access free of charge my personal data that is subject to processing; f) The possibility I have to request at any time through any channel provided for this purpose by the company, that the information not be used for marketing and/or promotion purposes of products or services; g) Which of my data, which will be processed, are sensitive and the purpose of said processing, likewise, the possibility I have to not authorize the processing of my data of a sensitive nature and the optional nature of the response to the questions asked to me, when these deal with sensitive data or the data of girls, boys and adolescents; h) The way in which I must exercise the rights provided by Law, following the procedures that SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S responsible for the treatment provides for such purposes, in the Personal Data Protection Policy. Finally, SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S has informed me of its commitment to the responsibility and proper treatment of personal data, according to which, the data provided will be stored safely in the SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S databases that may be consulted later, this authorization will be kept through procedures established by the company, likewise, it has invited you to previously consult the Policy on the website www.supellexhome.com or contact us through the emails pedidos@supellexhome.com or info@supellexhome.com, or to the telephones 3017169949, 3006553144, 6053207840.
The client may claim directly to the producer, supplier or provider and obtain comprehensive, timely and adequate compensation for all damages suffered, as well as have access to the judicial or administrative authorities for the same purpose, under the terms of the consumer statute. Claims may be made in person or through a representative or attorney.
This Policy is effective from the date of its publication and is deemed to be in force throughout the term of the relationship between the client and SUPELLEX HOME S.A.S. This Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia.